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  • Tags: Discovery Theatre

1978-1979 - Discovery Theatre.pdf
"For the tenth consecutive year Discovery
Theatre invites adults to participate in
sustained, disciplined learning situations
through group discussions of shared
experiences, and through personal synthesis
Discussion leaders are adult learners…

1974-1975 - Discovery Theatre.pdf
For the sixth consecutive year Discovery Theatre invites adults to participate in sustained, disciplined learning situations through group discussions of shared experiences, and through personal synthesis.

1973-1974 - Discovery Theatre.pdf
Classes focusing on political philosophy.

1972-1973 - Discovery Theatre.pdf
Classes generally focusing on stories and their role in society and within the individual.

1971-1972 - Discovery Theatre.pdf
"Each of the inquiries offered by Discovery Theatre is intended as a sustained, disciplined learning ex­perience, depending for its ultimate richness on the degree of personal in­volvement in reading, discussion and personal synthesis."

Discussion transcripts of Roberta Machnik and Eric O'Connor with group on discussion leading at Discovery Theatre, Toronto, dated March 6, 1972

Cardinal Emmett Carter interviewed by Eric O'Connor and Charlotte Tansey at Discovery Theatre, Toronto, November 15, 1970.

Interview (together with Roberta Machnik) of Rev. Eric O'Connor, on March 6, 1972. Handwritten note on first page reads "This is the original as Helene transcribed it, and before either Roberta or Therese each revised and added their hearing and in…
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